Monday, May 21, 2012

Kip Hawley Reviews Liars and Outliers

Kip Hawley Reviews Liars and Outliers:
In his blog:

I think the most important security issues going forward center around identity and trust. Before knowing I would soon encounter Bruce again in the media, I bought and read his new book Liars & Outliers and it is a must-read book for people looking forward into our security future and thinking about where this all leads. For my colleagues inside the government working the various identity management, security clearance, and risk-based- security issues, L&O should be required reading.


L&O is fresh thinking about live fire issues of today as well as moral issues that are ahead. Whatever your policy bent, this book will help you. Trust me on this, you don’t have to buy everything Bruce says about TSA to read this book, take it to work, put it down on the table and say, “this is brilliant stuff.”

I'm hosting Kip Hawley on FireDogLake's Book Salon on Sunday at 5:00 - 7:00 PM EDT. Join me and we'll ask him some tough questions about his new book.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Re-framing the problem

Success against overwhelming odds is achieved by reframing the problem.

Ben Sapiro has a great "treatise" on Liquidmatrix.

Noteable stories from favorite RSS feeds.